Emotional Support Pop Tart

Boy if this is not a random post. 

Well, there is a reason for such a silly thing. I mean, who knew a pop tart could bring emotional relief? I love eating pop tarts. My favorite are the cherry ones with white icing. I like the chocolate ones too. Growing up, mom often cooked a breakfast for us or we had cereal, but pop tarts were also thrown in as quick breakfast. Now I will eat them for a snack sometimes. 

I work in a field that we could all use some emotional support almost every day. Everyone is always looking out for each other due to the nature of our everyday job task. It is not rare to see someone randomly put a sweet note, candy, or flowers on someones desk, just to let them know everything is ok. 

We need that extra reminder of friendships and support. That’s when I got this idea to make a few of these cute Emotional support pop tarts to pass out to some co-workers. 

I like to make others smile and these pop tarts were so random and cute I couldn’t resist. They were immediately loved and you can see them propped up around computer screens as people would work, just to remind them, “You’ve got this”. 

These pop tarts were crocheted by making two squares using single crochet. The back side is one stitch and one row larger than the front side then whip stitched around and adding a little stuffing before finishing off .

Don’t Be Anonymous

In the past few days, I have been having a fit with my blogger. I have not been able to comment on others post nor could I reply to comments on my own post without being anonymous. Even when I would choose “Google”, It would resort right back to anonymous. I was fed up. 

I checked all my settings on Blogger and Google. Everything was good. I could not figure out what was wrong. Then I just searched my question and hoped to find where someone else had the same problem and I could figure it out that way.

I learned that Blogger comments are through a third party and I must have third party cookies enabled to comment of blog post. “What does that even mean?” So I went back to my settings and tried to find out where I could turn this feature on which only led me in circles. No answers. 

I finally found a thread in Google with others having the same problem. I still could not get answers but one answer led me to IOS settings. IOS is an iPhone or iPad operating system.

I finally fixed it! I am a happy blogger again. It was not a problem with Blogger or Google. So, If your are anonymous and want to know how to fix it. Grab your iPhone or iPad and go to “settings”. From there, go to your “apps” and scroll down and click on  “Google or Chrome” and turn on “Allow Cross-Website Tracking”. I can not promise this will fix your problem but it fixed mine on both devices. 

I guess when I did a phone update, it turned off this feature by default.