Blue Moon

Day three on the beach and we only had to fight the rain once. The rain comes fast here. One minute we are basking in the sun and the next minute, the rain dumps from the clouds and then the sun will come back out within a minute or so. We just push our beach chairs tighter under the big umbrella and wait it out. 

We got to see the blue moon rise over the ocean. We finished our dinner and rushed out to the beach to catch the show. There were a lot of people on the beach looking over the ocean with cameras waiting on the perfect time to snap a picture. 

We used our iPhone cameras but it never captures the actual beauty of the view. The moon was so big, bright and orange. The picture I snapped made it look small. 

Afterwards, we headed out for some ice cream at a local ice cream shop called “Salt Water Scoops”,  that promises to have the best home made ice cream around. I got raspberry chip and he got coffee bean. We were pleased but the prices were a little steep, but hey, we are on vacation. It’s ok to splurge. Right?


  1. So of course, enjoy the vacation. I really meant to look for a blue moon, but we are seldom up to see the moon or rise early enough to see it. LOL You guys enjoy the ice cream and try to be good. Tell ST, Nick he is one lucky guy, but he knows that already! LOL The best from Belmont... We are going on vacation (LOL) in a couple weeks...

  2. A great picture of the moon and so pretty with the reflection on the water.
    I know what you mean though, it is always better in person.
