These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Feeling Elfie
Puppy Chow Muddy Buddy
Pocket Prayer Cloths
aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of
First Week New Job
Back In The Office Chair
Porch Snowman
Woolly Bear
Giving Thanks
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is here again already? I love Thanksgiving. I love the smell of food on the stove and in the oven. Me and Nick both have managed to get the day off after thinking we were going to have to work. Now I get to spend all day with my husband, daughter and family.
I hope every family can find a place around the table instead of scattered throughout the house watching TV. I hope talks are full of laughter and not talks of politics, work, or of hard times.
Time with family is precious and does not need to be taken for granted. If you do not have a family, I hope you realize that you ARE the family and there are friends, churches and shelters that are full of people that will be thankful you come around to share time with.
The huge heating bill.
Because, this means I am warm.
The piles of laundry
Because, this means I have clothes to wear.
The birds outside singing.
For the parking space I have to take at the far end of the parking lot.
For the alarm that goes off in the morning.
For the sunshine.
Customized iPhone Home Screen
Be Thankful
Worked Seven Slept Eleven
Fried Chicken
It is What it is
- Trump is still my President until it is all said and done.
- Yes I voted for Donald Trump in both elections.
- Why? Because he seems to care about the people in the Untied States. He really really did want to make America great again but his hands were tied.
- He never gives up a fight.
- He believes in God and was not ashamed to say it. He believes in what the Bible teaches us for leadership.
- I am not happy about what going on.
- If one man wins fair and square, then ok, but it’s not fair and square and you know it. There is some dirty stuff going on.
- I knew the push for mail in ballots was not a good idea. Though I understand some people have to vote this way.
- I knew the Dems would pull another nasty stunt to keep our President from succeeding.
- I am not as worried about who becomes President as much as I am worried about what kind of country we are becoming.
- I will not loose a friendship over two men that do not even know my name. We all have the right to our own political views.
- Everything we have and will work for will become worthless.
- I don’t want to rely on free stuff. I believe in working for things I have.
- I do not want a President that has no morals.
- I do not want to have a President that was voted in because of his handling of a new virus.
- I may never understand why people vote for certain candidates and just hope whoever is elected will do whats right for our country.
- I hope who ever becomes president, we can be a peaceful nation. The Dems have been awful the past four years fighting and rioting against everything from the beginning.
Meal Time Names
Halloween Snack Ideas
Forward Helix
Reduce skin aging signs- Forward helix ear piercing increases your blood circulation and muscle tone for your face as well as the rest of your body. So if you are experiencing early skin aging sings like wrinkles, ear piercing will help you to lessen the appearance of wrinkles on your face.
Soothe your body and brain- One of the great benefits of forwarding helix ear piercing is that it will not only make you feel better but will help relax your brain too. Depression, stress and other emotional hardships can tense your body and mind up, and piercing helps you to deal with them in a better way by calming your mind.