Though my Rocketbook seems to work pretty good for me, I am just tired of loading everything up and taking it with me everywhere. I use an iPad for blogging and therefore, I want to keep everything in the palm of my hand. I do not want to have to take out a notepad, and special pens just to jot down a note or idea. I want to open and close with just a click of a button.
I also enjoy hand writing and drawing. My husband got me a really cool iPencil which allows me to take handwritten notes, draw and highlight on my iPad. I still have so much to learn.
I am ready to go digital. I have been searching for a digital blog planners. I have found several. Some are already to go and some you have to add your own pages and create yourself. I am somewhere in the middle. I think it will be nice to have everything I need for blogging in one place.
Do you use a blog planner? Do you use a program on your computer or tablet? I would love some ideas and input on this matter. I have some really creative and successful blog friends out here.
Organization is way over rated
ReplyDeleteI'm in the same place you are! I have a day planner (all hand-written) that I use for organizing work and personal appointments. I've been writing my blog stuff on it but would love something just for my blog work. I know several big bloggers have pages you can download but I want something that will blend into my current day planner and not have to carry around 2-3 different planners. I don't know if I'm ready to go digital with it, but if I found something spectacular, I could be swayed. Keep me posted and if I see something fabulous, I will let you know! Hugs and Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteI am so old fashion when comes to organising I have a oversized weekly planner on my desk and a calendar I find it easy to write on it and it is there right on my face I look at it every morning and I know what I have to do. Hope you find something that works for you xoxo Cris
No, I don't use a blog planner or even jot down ideas. I just sit at my computer usually after supper and just write about my day.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Mr Wheeler up there...
ReplyDeleteThough in my case..Patience..or the lack of it...
I don't read books! Book! Books! Books without
pictures..so..l've never read Dickens, Shakespeare,
what ever..just wait for the film to come out.....
Reference books..Yep! But, since having the internet,
l've gotton rid of a lot of books, to charity shops!
We have a saying in Sicily...'Mano a Mano..Faccia a
Faccia'..Hand to Hand..Face to Face..
Internet is possibly the most wonderful invention
'EVER'..but it has a terrible down side..AND! It
certainly 'does'nt' run 'MY' life...Period..!!!
Wish I could help, but mine is the AOL calendar and scribbled notes...
ReplyDeleteGood luck in the search. Most of us cannot imagine you needing something to keep you on the strait and narrow! LOL You seem to have it together (Well except when Nick looks into your eyes!!!! or gets you a digital pencil!) (smile)
Sherry & jack
No planner here. A scan of my past blogs would convict me in a court of law. I usually write about what happens to me each day and try to capture an idea that has a chance to resonate.
ReplyDeleteI do have several planner too. I rely on my calendar like you do, but I also have an app on my iPhone called REMINDERS. I have several lists. One is a daily todo list. One is a feature list for my newspaper gig articles. One is for what I need to pick up at the store. One is for projects. One is for goal...books I've read this year...habit, etc.
Then, I also use a bullet journal that I capture the things on the list above each morning. I know it's wonky but it seems to work for me.
Good luck.
I used to use a blog planner, but now I just mainly write down my ideas for posts and save them in drafts and hit publish when I'm done. I sometimes miss using a blog planner though.