Hurricane Florence- Sunday

Good morning yall.
It’s Sunday morning and its not too bad but we are now getting some mean wind gust from time to time from hurricane Florence here in the Charlotte area of North Carolina.

We had a good day yesterday with hardly any rain or wind. We actually went for a nice walk in the mist. I spent the rest of the day cleaning and catching up on laundry. 
This storm is only moving 2 miles per hour. That means lots of rain for a while but forcast shows sunny on Wednesday.

Here is the forcast at 10:00 am this Sunday morning.

  • We still have power 
  • but the internet and cable are out across the neigborhood. 
  • Churches have cancelled services this morning.
  • We could hear the rain hitting the gutters during the night and gust of wind blowing through the attic vents.
  • There is a creek behind our house that will often over flow in a big rain but it has remained low and calm and we have not see any trees down. 
  • Only leafy branches spread across the yard from the neighbors trees. 
  • We do not have any trees in our yard execpt a dogwood in the back and a butterfly bush in the front. Both are doing fine. 
  • I worry about some of the neighbors with towering penoaks and pines.
  • Got word that the campground were we camp and store our camper at the beach is ok with no damage. 
  • We have someone that will be checking on any damage to our camper in the morning. 
  • My brother in law is headed back today to his home on the beach. It was spared. They lost power but no damages.
  • Without internet or TV we are bored. The stores around here are closed for safety of their workers.
  • Its raining too hard to go for a walk and all my cleaning is done.
  • Gonna try and talk Nick into putting on rain gear and going for a walk anyway so he will stop walking circles around the house. 
  • And I have eaten all my hurricane snacks.
“It’s a gully washer” as my dad would say.

More later
Stay safe. 


  1. Oh my goodness Lisa I am so thankful you are safe and your home, camper and brother are all well. I've been following the news and been praying for everyone. It warms my heart to know you are being watched after. I hope all this goes away soon and everyone can have some peace and calm. Thank you for posting how you are doing.
    Hang in there and know you are in my prayers!

  2. Hi Lisa, oh I am so glad that you are ok and no harm to you or your house!!! Take care

  3. Glad to hear you are doing okay.

  4. Glad you're doing ok Lisa! I just got back home this morning and there were some trees that were down, but those were removed out of the road and it had been apparent the lights went out a few times. I wrote an update on my blog as well. Continue to stay safe!

  5. Good to read the report. We are stranded at a truck stop in Alabama just west of the Georgia line. Engine trouble. But no trouble compared to a lot of folk. A huge walnut tree 3' thru fell on Grandson's new car in Charlotte we learned today. We are keeping an eye out. I hope you got Nick out in the rain and save your floors. lol
    Love from Alabama.
