Owl Sighting

There is a street in the neighborhood thats located a block away from where I live. 
On a hot days walk, we will walk this path as it has a running creek and shady woods. It is cooler than the other heated asphalt streets we take.

Sometimes as we walk down this road, we see wild life such as turtles, snakes, hawks, fish in the creek and squirrels chasing their tails. I think I've mentioned this in another post on Mr. Turtle.

We have heard rumors from the nieghbors of an owl sighting. My husband discovered during his morning walk that indeed there is an owl in the neighborhood. It perches on a branch by the shady path.
He snapped this photo. 

Now when we go out walking,  I say "lets go owl hunting". It makes the walk more adventurous.

As we were walking one evening I had a wierd feeling of something staring at me. Sure enough I saw not only one owl, but two barn owls perched on a high limb. One flew off and the other cocked his head back and forth as if it were saying "whoooo are you looking at?" Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me this time.

Yesterday, Nick set out for his morning walk and was able to snap another photo of one of the barn owls. They are beautiful yet spooky looking. 

I would love to have this one on my own property. It could take care of any snakes that tend to slither into the yard. But for now, he sits on the next street over waiting on us to walk by to say hello. 


  1. Do you actually have snakes in your yard?

  2. what a sweet picture of that owl. usually they are elusive. enjoy them.

  3. I can't say I've seen an owl besides zoos. I've heard them for sure

    1. They are like hawks. They stay in one area. You may see one sometime.

  4. huh...reminds me I haven't heard 'our' owls lately. But with the heat, I haven't been outside around sunset these days.

  5. Owls are so unique. I love seeing them, but have never caught a picture. 'Nick done Good.' I do like a walk that we can see wild life of any kind. Most of our walks are in neighborhoods or RV parks with the same type view.
    Sending love from Virginia's Eastern Shore.

  6. Great that you got to see the owl. I seen a few of them myself.

  7. I hear one at night in a tree over in our field, but have only caught a glimpse of a good sized barn owl flying by once, they are really good looking birds and Nick did a good job getting a picture.

    1. I wish these would have talked to me instead of looking at me like I was crazy. The one that flew off squawked like a hawk. I was disapointed.

  8. There is a owl that nests in our barn. On still nights I can hear him calling to its mate that lives some distance away. They are beautiful creatures.

    1. We were wondering what the nest look like. Do they build high or low?

  9. You must have heard about my yard. Okay, an owl. You have me on this one.

  10. Wonderful to be able to see and then take a photo. We hear them sometimes, but rarely see them.

  11. they are really good looking birds and Nick did a good job getting a picture.

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