I was called a dog hater the other day. This kinda pissed me off actually. It was said after I refused to take home a stray pit bull. Are you kidding me? OK before you start the "pit bulls are sweet" lecture, Let me just say, I know too many incidents where a very sweet loving dog chewed someone up regardless of what kind it is. So Lets keep those comments to yourself. I'm not dog prejudice.
I have been called a dog hater by others before too.
I do not hate dogs. I love dogs. I like to watch them play, and I like to hug and pet them and when I get my hands on one, Its hard to put it down, But I choose not to own one.
I have my reasons.
1. My daughter has a real bad allergy to pets. She can stand being around them for a few minutes but then she turns into a sneezy snot machine. If a dog licks her skin, it will break out. I have allergies to them too but not as bad. I just feel like bugs are crawling all over me after I play with one.
2. I do not want the responsibility of finding someone to care for it when I go on a trip. I like my husband and me time alone.
3. Vet bills. Yes these can get expensive and I can't even afford my own doctor bills much less a pet.
4. They smell. I do not care how clean you say your pet is, they stink.
5. They die, then your heart broken. Face it. They do not live as long as humans. It happens.
Does this make me a pet hater? Why would I be labeled this?
Maybe its the look on my face when I see a pet owners dog slobber on their chair. Or that a dog licks itself then gives them a big snoopy kiss on the face. Yuk!
Because I do not like the way they smell and the allergic reaction my daughter has to them, I wish not to sit beside one at a restaurant. If I move, people will call me a dog hater and I'm shamed!!!! This bothers me too.
They do not get it. Is it really becoming a dog world?
I saw a dog in a grocery cart at Walmart the other day. Eeeesh. Though this grosses me out, I can't say anything or I'd be called a dog hater and shamed once again. But I really do not want my food packages to sit where I dog has been.
Sadly, this cartoon is how a lot of people feel. Its ridiculous. |
At a family dinner, my family knows the reaction my daughter has with pets, and they still will bring their dogs to dinner. Then they hold them at the table, play with them and then handle the food!!!!!!! They also stink and I really do not want to smell it at the dinner table. No one notices the problem here since they all have a pet. They are used to it. My family of three are not even respected a little on this issue. I'm pretty sure all the act is on purpose.
I'm out numbered and can't say anything. Besides, its not my home. I have to just grit my teeth and hope for the dinner to end quickly and hope my sister doesn't start squeeking that toy! over and over and over.
Do I sound like a dog hater????
I grew up with a dog. But it was treated like a dog. It was loved, petted, talked to, played with and spoiled rotten but it was not treated like a child. It did not get to sit in the chair at the table or the front seat of the car. It did not wear a tutu or pajamas or get to go shopping with me.
Maybe I'm just being an old fart. But I'm not a dog hater.
For the record:
If I had a pet dog , I would want a Boxer. Those are my favorite.
If I had a cat, I would want a Blue Scottish Fold. I love those!
I also like guinea pigs, and always wanted one of those too.
Sadly my situations prevent me from either.