Hooking in Pink

Haha got your attention didnt I.

I thought that was funny. 

I looked over at my husband the other night while I was curled up in my recliner and asked him..." Guess what I am?" He rolls his eyes, takes a deep breath and says " wut?".
My answer, "A lefty hooker". Get it? "Im left handed, crocheting, uhh, nevermind". Needless to say he didnt find it too funny.  He just nodded, " yea ok, whatever".

My niece is having a baby shower on Sunday. It was suppose to have been this past Sunday but was cancelled due to the snow. 

Meanwhile, I was stuck inside the whole weekend and needed to do something with my hands or I was going to eat the refrigerater. So I crocheted a couple baby things to give her at the shower. I already have her gift but this is just some extra purties from Aunt Lisa. I was going to crochet a baby blanket but I waited to long and then Christmas came, then new years. I was too busy to crochet such a project.

So, I crocheted some pink things for the new baby girl coming into the world in March. 
I crocheted a set including a romper with matching shoes and some button booties.

Her shower theme is pink and gold so I went with a gold ribbons. Not my favorite choice but I had it on hand and nothing else to use it on. 

I used my logo buttons on the button wrap booties. I think these are the cutest little things. Pretty easy to make but being left handed, shoes are hard for me since I have to follow all patterns backwards. Everyone crochets right to left but I crochet left to right. So with things that are left and right, it usually will not turn out correctly. 
Confused yet?

These little booties have neither a left or right so they are really easy for me to create. 

This was a first. A baby bubble romper. I found the pattern HERE and changed it up a bit. I added ruffles to the arms and puckered the leg holes a bit. Another cutie.

I will be making some pickups for the shower and can't wait to share those with you this weekend so stay tuned. 


  1. Wow, Lisa....your crocheting is very good. That is such a pretty little outfit and I'm sure baby girl will cherish that her Aunt Lisa made it for her.

    1. I hope so. I think the romper turned out a little stiff so I need to use a softer yarn for that next time.

  2. I'm mixed handed where I write with my right but play most sports with my left

    1. Im mostly left handed but I can paint and pick guitar right handed.

  3. For someone who doesn't understand about how it is done, that is amazing, left or right handed. Now that I have seen your handiwork up close and personal, your work is super good.

    Someone is gonna be tickled, and always remember Aunt Lisa, that is for sure.

    I understand the busy hands thing. when I have a book in the mill, I eat less. LOL

  4. You are beyond clever. A friend tried to teach me to crochet. Epic fail.

    1. Thats how I was when mom tried to teach me to sew. Epic fail for sure!

  5. these are so adorable...I love it all but those little shoes are just way too cute....

  6. Oh everything is adorable. Great job. Everyone will just love them.

  7. Well that title should bring in some interesting and I am sure disappointed hits. Those booties are adorable. What a great use of confinement time.

    1. Thanks Patti. I couldnt think of a title at the time. Haha

  8. I love the romper and booties. So sweet.

  9. This puts every baby outfit I've ever seen in stores to shame. No weight gain & authentic one of a kind excellence from Aunt Lisa. Win/Win.

  10. Your niece is going to love these! I am very impressed.
    You're good. You're good.

  11. I meant to type Lisa in my comment.

  12. Hi Lisa, happy new year and wow I love your baby set you made. Your niece is going to love everything!
    Thanks for sharing this at C&C with J&J.
    Hugs, Julie

  13. This is too cute!

    I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pluckyrecipescraftstips/

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  14. Hi! I am Debbie, I am so glad I came across your post for this romper. It is so beautiful and will look beautiful on my newest great-niece-to-be, providing I don't come up with my own design by the time I am ready to crochet the outfit(s) for my newest great-niece-to-be. She is due sometime in June and I don't want anything that's going to make her sweat. I don't believe in doing that to a newborn let alone any of my other great nieces or nephews because they mean more to me than anything I make for them. I still want to make as much for them as I can as I feel they deserve to get what everyone else already received.
