If You Like Apples

Nothing says Fall like the smell of cooked apples. Just having them simmer on the stove for a while can put me in the Autumn mood. That was hard for me to say being Summer is my favorite season and I hate to see it go but then Fall comes in second.

With that being said, I headed over to BJ's blog and tried the sweet concoction she posted about last week. It consist of cooked apples in a cinnimon sugar made carmel then drizzled on cheese toast. Oh my gosh! I ran to the store for apples and when Saturday came, I was on it. And it was a win!

Go check out her little green apple post HERE. Just do it. Go Now. While your there read some of her other posts. Shes full of charm. 

I made enough apples to snack on later or have with lunch . 
I even made an apple rose by carefully peeling the apple without the skin breaking.
(Another thing she did that I had to try.)

Ok Mrs C. How did I do?


  1. Yes, I like apples! The rose is gorgeous ♥


  2. I KNEW IT...!! I just KNEW you would make a beautiful post...and that Apple Rose, on a bed of freshly cut green apples....should be in a magazine...you did good, girl....and thanks much for your shout-out...of course, now I have to go back to Sweet Nothings and add your lovely Apple Rose...hugs to you for the fun...xo

    1. thanks for adding me to your other great picks!

  3. Your apple rose is beautiful. Great job.
    We love apples at this house. : )

    1. aww thanks. They do make the house smell good.

  4. Mrs. C sent me over! Oh my...now I want one, too, but no apples in the house. Excellent job on the apple peel rose, too.

  5. Tasty and creative. Thank you for this delight

  6. APPLES! my favorite fruit, from green to ripe. I do prefer the hard sharp apple with salt. I could smell the apple and cinnamon cooking. NICE! Sounds good, that is for dang sure. Oh, and love that rose. Yep give you and idea and you improve on it.
