The fedora

During my recent beach vacation, we spent every sunlight hour on the beach under the umberalla or walking.

There are several hotels between our camground and another campground in which my brother-in-law lives. Its a mile stretch. We always walk down to say hey.
On the way back from the visit I wanted to check out the outdoor pool bar at the Hilton Hotel. My husband, daughter and I stepped off the beach wearing our bathing suits and coverups. I was sporting a fedora hat. Its my favorite head covering at the beach because we all  some of us know that vacation hair dont care.

The bar and pool was nice. But we didn't have any money with us to purchase a cool fruity, umbrella drink so we just observed.

While I was standing there waiting on Nick to check out the menu, a little old man approached me. He was dressed in blue jeans and plaid shirt. His leathered hands trembled as he gave me a sweet little smile and said "I like your hat, where did you get it?" I really don't remember but I gave him a grin and said "why thank you, I think I got it at Walmart." 
My daughter and husband were heading back to the sand so I had to run and didn't have time for chat. "Good bye. Have a great day" I said as I ran off.

Later that evening we visited the local outlet mall to walk off the dinner we just had at Hamburger Joe's. 
Low and behold there he was! My pool bar friend.
He was dressed in a long sleeve blue shirt, jeans and....had his own fedora hat! He didn't speak but I think he recognize me because he made a point to walk over to where I was taking a rest to get a soda from the machine as he kept sight of me from the corner of his eye.

He wanted me to see his hat. Ha!, 
And I thought it was some sort of pick up line, but no, he really liked my hat. He went out and bought him one and was walking proud.
Nick and I had a good giggle and went on our way. 

I wish I would have approached the man to tell him I like his hat too. 
That moment will never come again. 


  1. Big smiles.
    I suspect it took him a bit of courage to ask you, and I love that he acted on it.
    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

  2. Awww, good story. We have a friend that loves his Fedora's. We say he has a "plethora of Fedora's" and we even wrote a song about him, being we are in Nashville and all. lol

  3. I like stories like these. You made a difference to him, in such a subtle way.

  4. I never worn a fedora, I'm not much of a hat person either way

  5. Aw, I like the chance encounters. Lots of thoughts and ideas come from them. I have my favorite 'Greek Hat', but wearing it with the implant devices is tough. I have actually cut into the hat to fit the devices, but it still moves them. Just an 1/8 of an inch and I am deaf. But I have worn the same hat for years.
    Funny the 'small moments' we sorta regret, but in the long run, who knows? It might be best. But I am sure he wanted you to see his Fedora!
    Back to the beach today, hopefully a walk on it. (maybe too soon).

    1. I like the hat in your pictures. Is there a story behind it?

  6. Can we see how you look in the fedora?

  7. Great story and wonderful memory. Thank you for this treat

  8. I like that story. : ) You should have said something to him. : ) The only hat I wear are baseball caps when I walk or want to keep my hair out of my eyes. I put my ponytail (not much of one) out the back.

    1. I like ball hats too. I wear those a lot when I go walk or dont want to fix my hair to go outside.

  9. I loved this story Lisa. The interactions we have day to day are sometimes remarkable. Sometimes people crave to be acknowledged. It's not that that are want anything from us, but just want to validate that they are not invisible.
    When I go to Walmart, I make a point of smiling at people with disabilities, and others that are easy to "look through". Some may think it's goofy, but it feels important to me.

    1. Im glad you liked it. I like to smile at everyone too. It feels good.

  10. What a sweet story! I can just picture you rocking that fedora!!

  11. ha

    I have vacation hair every day.

    (Love that first shot. A relative?)

  12. A nice hat always attracts attention.

    1. I saw a very large sun hat in a beach store that would have been fun to wear.

  13. sweet story...yes, i've lost THE MOMENT many times during my lifetime...and as you said, you can't get them back...
