Eye on Vacation

Im going to attempt to blog from my iphone since the internet here is the worst thing since dial up.

Its the beginning of our week long vacation. We are all having a good time so far but its not gone exactly my way.  I have somehow picked up an eye infection. Maybe its just a sty or maybe its pink eye. Im not sure. Its very itchy and red and its painful and swollen. Picture Arnold in "The Terminator".

I refuse to see a doctor and just used some prescription eye drops I had from a previous pink eye infection I had over a year ago. 

We started the day doing seperate activities. My daughter and husband went for a run while I skipped on over to the campground church service.

Then We spent the day laying in the sun, then later stocked the camper with food and things we need for the week. 

The wheather was nice with temperatures in the high 80's. I stayed under the umbrella most of this day. I want to take it easy on my tan making sure not to get it all at once.

I cant wait until tomorrow because I spotted a tiny retro camper up in the wooded area of the campground that im dying to get a photo of to put on my christmas list [husband rolls eyes here].  Ill be sure to go for a walk in the morning. 

Im calling it a night. Its not easy typing on this small screeen with one working    eye. Hoping for a more comfortable day tomorrow.


  1. I felt like I was looking in the mirror when I read this entry Lisa. Half way on our drive to the Coast, we stopped at Bucees & when I looked in the mirror in the bathroom, I saw that my right eye was red and filled with fluid. I took out my contact lenses & called my eye physicians clinic to get emergency number. I spoke to the doctor & he called in an eye drop with antibiotics in it that I picked up late that night at a 24 hr. Pharmacy when we arrived to Corpus Christi. My eye cleared up in three days. I hope you can call your doctor and have something called in for you. I hope you have a great vacation!

  2. Oh shucks, sorry about the eye. We sure hope the drops clear it up and all will be well before the Vacation ends. I am glad you could get the entry on. I cannot handle the small keyboards.
    I always enjoy the services at the camp grounds, it somehow takes me back to days gone by. Enjoy what you can of the vacation, I'm praying you do.
    Love from Colorado Springs, just back from Pike's Peak.
