Spring Nesting

Spring is finally in the air. Looking around you can see the flowers and trees blooming. Before long, everything will produce pollen and the town will turn greenish/yellow.

I love to watch the birds play in my yard. During the winter months I keep them fed with bread, seed or suet. Never fails though, the squirrels will ruin it. They eat the bird feeders and somehow figured out how to get into the suet cage. I almost give up, then spring arrives. I will no longer put food in the feeders because I know the birds will get enough bugs, worms and berries. As for the squirrels, they probably have a little hiding place full of the bird feed I put out all Winter.

I will sit back now and watch as the birds work franticlly to find just the right twig to build a nest by full spring. I'm going to help them with that this year.

I took the suet feeder and filled it with some scrap yarn pieces I have been saving up just for this purpose. Each bird will take her share of colorful string and use it in her nest construction. I was worried about doing this at first, thinking it may cause them to get tangled. Lets hope not. I would feel so bad.

I think its rather pretty hanging there in the tree. I cant wait to see how it works out. I can picture this fall after the leaves have fallen from the trees, I will see little colorful nest embedded between the branches as the renters leave and await for the next spring.

I've shared this at:
be-inspired-features-and-link-party at elizabethandcovintage

1 comment

  1. What a grand idea! I bet youwill have the most colorful birds nests in the country. I wish my sister was still alive to see this. She woul love it. She was always trying to figure to help th birds more.

    It will not be too early when we get back to NC, I hope I remember to try this. LOVE IT!
    Sweet as a grandson would say.
