Key Sweater

Yes you heard it right. A "Key Sweater". Why not? Keys get cold too. Ha.

Ok, so I was a little bored. I wanted to attempt something different. I looked over at my keys and noticed how beat up and ugly my car key looks and thought I'd make a cover for it.

See! Just ugly. But I mean, It is like 8 years old.
I started out with a tiny little crochet hook and a white piece of scrap yarn. I know white is not a good choice for something constantly handled but its all I had in reach at the time.
Pattern (sort of)
Chain 2 (or make magic circle)
5 sc in 2nd ch from hook (or 5sc in circle)(5)
2sc in each sc around (10)
now just sc in rounds until you reach desired length.
Slip the sweater on the key and continue sc in round and decrease to taper.
Each key is different so you will have to adjust to fit. Then finish off. 
NOTE: You might want ot make sure it fits in your ignition switch before you finish off.
You don't even have to tapper it. You can just make it a slip on.
Here is my finished key sweater. I embroidered my initial on it before I tapered it on the key.
If I did this again, I would make a bigger, better hole to fit on the key ring. This one is just slipped in a stitch hole and its sort of tight around the ring. I'm hoping the hole will loosen up some. I'm pretty sure this sweater will probably be brown by the end of the week.
I just love that warm, fuzzy feeling.
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  1. Hi and wow how creative of you! This is so cute and I love it. I saw it on submarine sunday.
    Julie at

  2. This is adorable and so very smart! A key sweater - love it!!

  3. SWEET as anything. Pinned. Following. Come share if you like: Linda

  4. OMG..lades of the 60's and 70's were doing this too. Love to see what goes round comes round 8)

  5. Love this,where do you learn that?can you tell me please?

  6. Nice Key Sweater i like it !
    nice blog !
    Keep sharing
    office chairs

  7. Awww....just saw this!! It's lovely the idea of the initials, I really like it! I think to be able to do that I would have to learn to embroidery...may eventually get there at same point! Out of were worried the key sweater may get brown...did it? And did you replace it with a new one? If so, I'd be keen to see the new colour combination and embroidery :) Lovely blog Lisa! XxX Rory

  8. my key case came apart some years ago and this is what I had to do to keep it
    together. Yours is decorated, tho.very cute.
